How to Make Huge Difference to Indian Economy?



SPEND 3min to read this and make your Future Bright

Before 12 months 1 US $ = IND Rs 39

After 12 months, now 1 $ = IND Rs 56.619
Do you think US Economy is booming? No, but Indian Economy is Going Down.
Our economy is in your hands...

How to Make Huge Difference to Indian Economy?
How to Make Huge Difference to Indian Economy?

A cold drink that costs only 70 / 80 paisa toproduce, is sold for Rs.9 and a major chunk of profits from these are sent abroad. This is a serious drain on INDIAN economy.

What you can do about it?
1. Buy only products manufactured by WHOLLY INDIAN COMPANIES.
2.You don't need to give-up your lifestyle. You just need to choose an alternate product.
All categories of products are available from





















Food Items:-
Eat Tandoori chicken . home made food


Every INDIAN product you buy makes a big difference. It saves INDIA. Let us take a firm decision today.


Thanks For Spending your valuable time .....

if you don't want to follow this ,at-least share it , One person avoiding one foreign product makes a huge diffrence in our economy
Jai Hind

Real Life Incident: Mother Teresa Gets Saliva from Shop Keeper

Real Life Incident: Mother Teresa Gets Saliva from Shop Keeper:

Mother Teresa was once living in a small house in Calcutta along with some orphans. One day it so happened that there was nothing for the children to eat.  Mother Teresa did not know what to do. 

Mother Teresa called all the children and said, “Come children today we have nothing to eat in the house.  But, if we pray to God he will surely give.” After ten minutes of prayer, Mother Teresa said to the children “Come, now let us go and beg."  So they all went to beg. 

In the neighborhood of Mother Theresa, there was one shop keeper who hated Mother Teresa. Mother went to him and said “Please, give something to eat.”

The person looked at Mother Teresa with anger and spit saliva on Mother Teresa's hand.  Mother gently wiped the saliva to her sari and said, “Thank you for what you have given for me. Will you give something for my children?”

Real Life Incident: Mother Teresa Gets Saliva from Shop Keeper
Real Life Incident: Mother Teresa Gets Saliva from Shop Keeper vastreader

The shop keeper was shocked at the humility of Mother Teresa asked pardon from Mother Teresa. Then on he began to help regularly to the orphan children. 

Know the life of Mother Teresa - vastreader:

Life of Mother Teresa in English

Mother Teresa's Love for Poor - vastreader:

The streets of Calcutta were dangerous, dirty, and crowded.  People were infected with cholera and leprosy, dysentery and other diseases that were fatal in most cases.  Mother Teresa and her group of helpers went among them every day with courage and conviction to do what they could to ease their pain.   

One day, Mother Teresa came across a young woman in the gutter of the street, directly in front of one of the Calcutta hospitals.  The woman was so ill that she did not notice or care that the rats and cockroaches were eating her feet. Mother picked up the woman and carried her into the hospital. She told the nurse inside:

This woman is dying. She needs help.

But the nurse replied:

Sorry, no room for her here.  She is poor and can't pay and we can't save her anyway, so we can't waste a bed on her. Now please move along.

Mother Teresa's heart broke as she carried the woman back to the street, and there she stayed with the woman for hours until she died.  Mother Teresa was angry and she felt like no one should have to die alone, forgotten and in despair in the dirty street.  

Mother Teresa found an old abandoned hotel just behind a Hindu Temple and started bringing in the people the hospital refused to admit.  They were so sick that she knew there was no hope of survival for them, but she felt compelled to make a place they could come to die.  It was a horrible undertaking as the people who filled the rooms had open wounds covered with maggots or had parts of their bodies missing due to disease.  The Hindus from the Temple did not want these people close to them and threw garbage and rocks at Mother Teresa. 

One day, Mother Teresa saw a man lying on the steps of the Hindu Temple -- very sick.  She learned he was one of the Hindu priests and no one at the temple would touch him for fear of getting his disease.  So they put him on the steps to die. Mother Teresa picked him up and took him to the old hotel where she cared for him until he died a peaceful death. The Hindus at the temple saw what she had done and never gave her any trouble again.

Pope Waited for meeting Mother Teresa - vastreader:

Her work paid off and she gained attention from church leaders who started calling on her, support finally came in. She still remained true to her professed values and put her mission work above all. 

The Hindustan Times speaks of an incident in 1965 when Pope Paul VI came to visit her in India; she informed him she was too busy with her work among the poor to meet with him. The pope was impressed with her dedication and declared his commitment to helping her with her cause, which included giving her the Lincoln he had been riding around in for his trip. She accepted the gift then auctioned it off to raise monetary funds for the people she was helping.

She later meet with him and his successors up until her death in 1997 but no matter who she was around, her attitude remained the same. She believed that the poor deserved everyone’s focus and blessing, that honoring their needs was more important than honoring authority as well as power.

Real Life Incidents: Mother Teresa's Rosary Heals Sick People - vastreader:

There are many true life incidents. One such was Jim's experience while meeting Mother Teresa in an airplane. Jim Castle was tired when he boarded his plane in Ohio. The 45-year-old management consultant had put on a week long series of business meetings and seminars and now he sank gratefully into his seat ready for the flight home to Kansas City, Missouri.

As more passengers entered, the place hummed with conversation, mixed with the sound of bags being stowed. Then, suddenly, people fell silent. Jim craned his head to see what was happening and his mouth dropped open.

Walking up the aisle were two nuns clad in simple white habits bordered in blue. He recognized the familiar face of one at once, the wrinkled skin and the eyes warmly intent. This was a face he has often seen in newscasts and on the cover of TIME Magazine.

The two nuns halted, and Jim realized that his seat companion was going to be Mother Teresa! As the last few passengers settled in, Mother Teresa and her companion pulled out rosaries. Each decade of the beads was a different color, Jim noticed.

The decades represented various areas of the world, Mother Teresa told him later, and added, “I pray for the poor and dying on each continent.”

The airplane taxied to the runway and the two women began to pray, their voices a low murmur. Though Jim considered himself not a very religious Catholic who went to church mostly out of habit, inexplicably he found himself joining in. By the time they murmured the final prayer, the plane had reached cruising altitude. Mother Teresa turned toward him. For the first time in his life, Jim understood what people meant when they spoke of a person possessing an “aura”.

As Mother Teresa gazed at him, a sense of peace filled him; he could no more see it than he could see the wind but he felt it, just as surely as he felt a warm summer breeze.

“Young man,” Mother Teresa inquired, “do you say the rosary often?”

“No, not really,” he admitted. Mother Teresa took his hand, while her eyes probed his. Then Mother Teresa smiled. “Well, you will now.” And Mother Teresa dropped her rosary into his palm.

Real Life Incidents: Mother Teresa's Rosary Heals Sick People
Real Life Incidents: Mother Teresa's Rosary Heals Sick People - vastreader

An hour later Jim entered the Kansas City airport where he was met by his wife, Ruth. “What in the world?” Ruth asked when she noticed the rosary in his hand. They kissed and Jim described his encounter. Driving home, he said. “I feel as if I met a true sister of God.”

Nine months later Jim and Ruth visited Connie, a friend of theirs for several years.

Connie confessed that she’d been told she had ovarian cancer. “The doctor says it’s a tough case,” said Connie, “but I’m going to fight it. I won’t give up.” Jim clasped her hand. Then, after reaching into his pocket, he gently twined Mother Teresa’s rosary around her fingers. He told her the story and said, “Keep it with you Connie. It may help.”

Although Connie wasn’t Catholic, her hand closed willingly around the small plastic beads. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I hope I can return it.”

More than a year passed before Jim saw Connie again. This time her face was glowing, she hurried toward him and handed him the rosary. “I carried it with me all year,” she said. “I’ve had surgery and have been on chemotherapy, too. Last month, the doctors did second-look surgery, and the tumor’s gone. Completely!” Her eyes met Jim’s. “I knew it was time to give the rosary back.”

In the fall of 1987, Ruth’s sister, Liz, fell into a deep depression after her divorce. She asked Jim if she could borrow the rosary, and when he sent it, she hung it over her bedpost in a small velvet bag. “At night I held on to it, just physically held on. I was so lonely and afraid,” she says,”yet when I gripped that rosary, I felt as if I held a loving hand.”

Gradually, Liz pulled her life together, and she mailed the rosary back. “Someone else may need it,” she said.

Then one night in 1988, a stranger telephoned Ruth. She’d heard about the rosary from a neighbor and asked if she could borrow it to take to the hospital where her mother lay in a coma. The family hoped the rosary might help their mother die peacefully.

A few days later, the woman returned the beads. “The nurses told me a coma patient can still hear,” she said, “so I explained to my mother that I had Mother Teresa’s rosary and that when I gave it to her she could let go; it would be all rosary in her hand.

Right away, we saw her face relax. The lines smoothed out until she looked so peaceful, so young.” The woman’s voice caught. “A few minutes later she was gone.”

Fervently, she gripped Ruth’s hands. “Thank you.”

Is there special power in those humble beads? Or is the power of the human spirit simply renewed in each person who borrows the rosary? Jim only knows that requests continue to come, often unexpectedly. He always responds though, whenever he lends the rosary, “When you’re through needing it, send it back. Someone else may need it.”

Jim’s own life has changed, too, since his unexpected meeting on the airplane. When he realized Mother Teresa carries everything she owns in a small bag, he made an effort to simplify his own life. “I try to remember what really counts - not money or titles or possessions, but the way we love others,” he says.

Real Life Incidents of Saint Mother Teresa Remembers Small Things - vastreader:

Some of my sisters work in Australia. On a reservation, among the Aborigines, there was an elderly man. I can assure you that you have never seen a situation as difficult as that poor old man's. He was completely ignored by everyone. His home was disordered and dirty.

I told him, "Please, let me clean your house, wash your clothes, and make your bed." He answered, "I'm okay like this. Let it be."

I said again, "You will be still better if you allow me to do it."

He finally agreed. So I was able to clean his house and wash his clothes. I discovered a beautiful lamp, covered with dust. Only God knows how many years had passed since he last lit it.

I said to him, "Don't you light your lamp? Don't you ever use it?"

He answered, "No. No one comes to see me. I have no need to light it. Who would I light it for?"

I asked, "Would you light it every night if the sisters came?"

He replied, "Of course."

From that day on the sisters committed themselves to visiting him every evening. We cleaned the lamp, and the sisters would light it every evening.

Two years passed. I had completely forgotten that man. He sent this message: "Tell my friend that the light she lit in my life continues to shine still."

I thought it was a very small thing. We often neglect small things.

Mother Teresa faced personal doubt in her beliefs - vastreader:

Such a megalith of faith, like Mother Teresa, can bring feelings of shame on believers who feel themselves inadequate in comparison, both in actions and faith. If Mother Teresa makes you feel like that, whatever your convictions are, take to heart that she expressed many doubts and agonized over her religious life. 

The UK Daily Mail reports from correspondence collected over Mother Teresa's lifetime that she faced many doubts about God and couldn’t always feel his presence in her life as strongly as she felt she should; she blamed herself for the misery this caused her.

This could be one more impetus that drove her to work with the needy because it fulfilled her own need to be closer to God through good works. It appears that her faith may not have always gone the way she wanted it to because it would be difficult to believe in a merciful and loving God  the way that she did when situated in an area where there was so much suffering. 

Instead of giving up, she let that struggle be a fact of her life and never let it be a stumbling block in her mission work.

Very Best Quotes from Mother Teresa - vastreader:

When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you. When you look at the sacred host, you understand how much Jesus loves you. –Mother Teresa

The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth. –Mother Teresa

Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with him and make your soul everlasting more glorious and beautiful in heaven  and will help to bring about an everlasting peace on earth. –Mother Teresa

Interest Topics to Read about Mother Teresa 

- vastreader:

Tagged in:
Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa goes for begging, Mother Teresa and the Shop Keeper, Mother Teresa asks for help, Shop Keeper spits saliva in Mother Teresa's Hand, Saliva in Mother Teresa's hand, Begging Experience of Mother Teresa, Life incidents, Mother Teresa quotes, About Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa life, Mother Teresa Biography, quote Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa, Mother Teresa anyway, Mother Teresa facts, Mother Teresa history, Mother Teresa saint, Mother Teresa quotes, About Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa life, Mother Teresa Biography, quote Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa, Mother Teresa anyway, Mother Teresa facts, Mother Teresa history, Mother Teresa saint, Life Incidents, Real Life Incidents, Funny Incidents, True Life Incidents, , Life Incidents, Real Life Incidents, Funny Incidents, True Life Incidents

Sachin Tendulkar's Leadership Qualities

“If Cricket is a religion, then Sachin is God”. However, every cricket fanatic will endorse this dictum.
There are several great cricketers, but few have earned the title of a legend. Sachin's unadulterated leadership qualities are an epitome of the same. It is debatably true that Sachin's playing style has revolutionized the ODI and test format.

Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities
Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities

Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Attitude

Sachin has defied every critic in the history of the book. When his opponents were castigating him for slow reflexes and using a heavy bat, he answered by hitting the only double hundred in ODI against South Africa. What defines Sachin's leadership is his tenacious attitude. In his 2 decades of cricketing legacy he has moulded his game according to the situation. Though, he was plagued with a plethora of injuries, but that has never deterred him from playing quality cricket.

The statisticians could only guess how many more records he is going to make. The charm of him leaves every budding cricketer imbued. It is critical to highlight that, when the hopes of 1 billion people are upon one, then one can easily flounder. The fact that he could sustain such a high magnitude of pressure exhibits his temperament.

Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Modesty

It is pivotal to point out that he has always been ravenously hungry for the World cup. His strong dedication and adamant attitude has helped India win the world cup in 2011. One can't also forget that it was under his leadership when Mumbai Indians managed to reach the finals in the IPL.
It is not just the game which has kept him in the limelight. His humble nature needs no introduction. The family man image and his ability to remain impervious to controversy have remarkably made him stand out. It is also vital to notice that Sachin has never let success go over his head.

Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Inspirational

All the sports personalities have unequivocally extolled his greatness. Sir Don Bradman saw his reflection in the way Sachin played. Brian Lara, another cricketing legend regards Sachin as the best. Usain bolt, the famous Olympian has said, “I can relate to Tendulkar in dedication and aggression”.
One could run out of pages to appreciate the leadership qualities of Sachin Tendulkar, but never out of words. The imprint that he has left on the world cricket can never be effaced or forgotten. Every cricketer looks up to him for advice. Today, he is on the brink of his 100th International century which will only add to his glory.

Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Champion

In 1999 world cup when Sachin lost his father during the world cup, then he returned to India to perform the final rites of his father. It was a big blow to the team. However, he gathered himself and came back to participate in the world cup. He has constantly put country first over his personal life like any great soldier. Thus, he has been also honoured with the rank of Group Captain in the Indian Air Force. One must acknowledge that Sachin's value cannot be measured, but can only be treasured.

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Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Quality, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities, Best Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities, New Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities Analysis, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities Rated, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities Viewed, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities Searched, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities Processed, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Attitude, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Modesty, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Inspirational, Sachin Tendulkar Leadership Qualities: Champion, Sachin Tendulkar Qualities, Sachin Tendulkar Quality, Attitude: Sachin Tendulkar Qualities, Modesty: Sachin Tendulkar Qualities, Inspirational: Sachin Tendulkar Qualities, Champion: Sachin Tendulkar Qualities,


There was once a poor shoemaker who was always in a good mood. He was so happy that he sang from morning to night..  There were always children standing at his window and listening to him sing.
Next door to him lived a very rich man.  He spent entire nights counting his money, and then went to bed in the morning.  But he could not sleep because of the shoemaker’s singing.  One day he figured out how he could keep the shoemaker from singing.
So he invited the shoemaker to come over and see him.  He did. To his great surprise, the rich man gave him a little bag filled with gold coins.  When the shoemaker got back home, he opened the little bag.  Never in his life had he ever seen so much money. He counted it all out carefully, and the children watched him.  It was so much that the shoemaker was afraid to let it out of sight and so he took it along to bed at night. But even there he kept thinking about the money and could not sleep.
So then he got up and took the bag of money up to the attic. But on second thought he was afraid it was not safe there.  So the next morning he brought the money downstairs again.
He then thought of hiding it in the fireplace,.  “But I’ll just put it in the chicken coop,   No one would look for it there,” he decided.
But he was still nervous about the money and so he dug a deep hole in the garden and hid it there.  He was so preoccupied with the money that he never got back to making shoes. Nor could he sing any more.  He was so worried that he could d not produce a single note.  And worst of all, the children did not come around to visit him any longer.
Finally the shoemaker was so unhappy that he dug up the money and hurried back to his neighbour with it.  “Please take this money back,” he said. “Worry about it has made me sick, and even my friends do not come to see me anymore.  I would rather be a shoemaker, like I was.”
Soon the shoemaker was again as happy and contented as before and he sang and worked the whole day.

Quotes form sachin tendulkar

 Sachin Tendulkar - “There are a few players who don't like to think about the game.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “My point of view is that when I am playing cricket I cannot think that this game is less or more important.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “Moment there is contact your sub conscious mind knows whether it's a single or more. It's that fraction of contact that matters.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I never played with a runner in my entire life, even in schools, because only I know where the ball is going and how hard, when I hit the ball, something my runner will never know about.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I just want to continue the way I am going.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I have never tried to compare myself to anyone else.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I have never believed in comparisons, whether they are about different eras, players or coaches.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I believe every era has its significance and the same holds true for players and coaches.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I always had a dream to play for India but I never let it put pressure on me.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “Every individual has his own style, his own way of presenting himself on and off the field.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “At least with me, the match starts much, much earlier than the actual match.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I find it difficult to sleep even after all these years because my mind is constantly working and that is the way I have always prepared.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I myself want to learn to play the guitar because I just love music and I want to learn to play at least one good musical instrument.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “It doesn't always happen according to the way you have planned things out but I feel if you have covered most of the aspects, it does help out there in the middle.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I just keep it simple. Watch the ball and play it on merit.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “The kids were very happy, they woke me up and took me to their room which they had decorated. It looked like they had done a lot of special planning and they were enjoying. It was a pleasant surprise for me.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “The entire country looks up to me and they have expectations and that's why I have to work very hard.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “If one man is representing India in cricket, then yes, blame that person when things go wrong.”

 Sachin Tendulkar - “I am not thinking too far ahead, just want to take it one thing at a time.”

King Bruce and Spider: Learns Courage and Perseverance

King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, pursued after defeat in the battle, hid in a lonely cave.  King Bruce tried to plan the future but was tempted to despair.  King Bruce had lost heart and had decided to give up when his eye was caught by a spider. The insect (Spider) was making carefully and painfully its way up a slender thread to its web in the corner above.  King Bruce watched as it made several unsuccessful attempts and thought as it fell back to the bottom repeatedly how it typified his own efforts.  Then at last the spider made it. King Bruce took courage and persevered and the example of the spider brought its reward.

King Bruce and Spider: Learns Courage and Perseverence
King Bruce and Spider: Learns Courage and Perseverance
King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, pursued after defeat in the battle, hid in a lonely cave.  King Bruce tried to plan the future but was tempted to despair.  King Bruce had lost heart and had decided to give up when his eye was caught by a spider. The insect (Spider) was making carefully and painfully its way up a slender thread to its web in the corner above.  King Bruce watched as it made several unsuccessful attempts and thought as it fell back to the bottom repeatedly how it typified his own efforts.  Then at last the spider made it. King Bruce took courage and persevered and the example of the spider brought its reward.

Moral of the Story:
Persevere in your goal
Try, try, try again
work till your goal achieved
There are opportunities to grow
never ever  give up

Tagged in:

King Bruce and Spider: Learns Courage and Perseverance, King Bruce, The King and Spider, king bruce and the spider poem summary, king bruce and the spider story video, king bruce and the spider full story, king bruce and the spider story with pictures, robert bruce and the spider full story, robert bruce and the spider storyking bruce and the spider poem summary, king bruce and the spider story video, king bruce and the spider full story, king bruce and the spider story with pictures, robert bruce and the spider full story, robert bruce and the spider storyking bruce and the spider poem summary, king bruce and the spider story video, king bruce and the spider full story, king bruce and the spider story with pictures, robert bruce and the spider full story, robert bruce and the spider storyking bruce and the spider poem summary, king bruce and the spider story video, king bruce and the spider full story, king bruce and the spider story with pictures, robert bruce and the spider full story, robert bruce and the spider story

Seven success secrets of Sachin Tendulkar

Seven success secrets of Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar gives Shailesh Kulkarni insights into how he performs on the varying pitches of life 
Coming straight off a three-hour advertising shoot, Sachin looks surprisingly morning fresh, sporting his typical broad smile. 
Here's a man who is recognised as one of the world's most superior sporting legends. And yet his words belie a simple nature that's rooted in life's most basic facets. Whether it's as a sportsperson, a restaurateur, an advertiser's delight or a family man, it's clear that Sachin Tendulkar has done it all and done it brilliantly. Here are seven habits that make Sachin the highly effective individual 
he is... 

Be positive 
Says Sachin, "Life for me has been a series of stages, where I've set standards and then tried to achieve them. Positivity has a lot to do with your upbringing and it is the parents' responsibility to teach their kids how to live life and take up challenges without fearing them and follow the right path. My father gave me total freedom in whatever I did. In case of trying times, remember, 'there is always a light at the end of every tunnel'." He believes positive thoughts make the body supple and help one move better. 

Be honest to yourself and others 
"Early in life I realised that what finally counts is my own opinion of me. Life is about keeping things straightforward, being honest and sincere in whatever you do and never cheating in any way, at any stage," he says. And that's what he'd want India's youngsters to imbibe into their lives. "I really dislike dishonesty and people saying one thing to your face and another when your back is turned. I would rather appreciate it if people came and told me anything openly on my face," he avers. 

Focus on your core competency 
"Cricket has always been the sole focus of my life. I am just Sachin... Sachin who belongs on the cricket field," he says. "I've been lucky that I've always had people around me cushioning the pressure. I focus solely on my game and they take care of the rest," he admits. 

Rely on others 
He attributes his success to the guidance of his coach Ramakant Achrekar, who moulded him in his Shivaji Park days. Besides his father, and brother Nitin's support, 
Tendulkar's other brother Ajit too, has played a pivotal role in grooming his career. "Even today, if I have a problem I look to him to help solve it," he says. His wife Anjali adds, "Yes, he allows his brother and me to take care of everything else - whether it is our home, family, financial affairs... I make sure that he can concentrate on cricket full time." 

Be able to switch on and off 
"I listen to music a lot. Anjali and the kids (who are now also an inspiration to me) help me relax and think of something else other than cricket, when I go home. So when I go back on to the ground, it is 100 per cent cricket and nothing else. It is important to be able to switch on and off whenever required," he explains. 

Sort out your priorities 
With so many things on his plate, time is always at a premium. Yet he has amazing clarity about what he wants to focus on and when. "My priority has always been playing good cricket," he admits. But apart from that, he says: "I like to spend a lot of time with my family. That's important because the kids are growing and I think it is important to be around. I am basically a family man." 

Keep it simple 
Sachin says, "My father always told me not to try and find short cuts. According to him, the path is always difficult and full of obstacles, but if you are true to yourself, nothing will come in your way. So I have just done that and tried to keep my life as simple as possible."

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