Tips to Become More Productive

Tips to become more productive:

=> At least 7-8 hours sleep.

=> Keep your desk clean, keep open only essential programs.

=> Write down your plan for tomorrow before going to sleep.

=> In the morning when you start your work, don't open emails or Facebook (social media sites) for at least first half an hour.

Tips to become more productive: => At least 7-8 hours sleep. => Keep your desk clean, keep open only essential programs. => Write down your plan for tomorrow before going to sleep.
Tips to become more productive

=> Don't go to sleep if you're failed to complete the tasks as per your plan.

=> Read at least one new thought.

Think once again when you brag that you're working 16-18 hours a day!

PS: Many people think that they do multitasking, nope you're just switching from one task to another (Except listening songs etc)

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