Know Yourself: Ask to Yourself What are My Predominant Qualities?

Predominant qualities are the qualities that comes to your mind when you think of yourself. For example, when we think of Mahatma Gandhi, we get his predominant qualities like non-violence and patriotism. 

For another example, when we think of Mother Teresa, we get her predominant qualities like Love for the poor and help the sick. Like that when we think of a person, we get some qualities first, that are his or her predominant qualities. 

Find your predominant qualities to get know about yourself. Ask this questions to yourself and write down in a diary the predominant qualities you have. Ask the help of your friend to answer this question. Grow in your predominant qualities to become  a successful person. 

Know that everyone is unique. No one has your qualities and you have not the qualities of any other person.

Know Yourself: Ask to Yourself What are My Predominant Qualities?
Live Happily and joyfully.

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