10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal are the ten simple guidelines to set proper and successful goals in life. Unless proper goals are set, your time and energy go waste without bearing any fruit. Follow these ten rules for setting proper goal in life.

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal:

1. Decide what you want to accomplish. What is your passion or desire?

2. When do you want to accomplish it?

3. Determine that the goal is believable to you.

4. Where are you now?

5. What obstacles do you need to overcome?

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal are the ten simple guidelines to set proper and successful goals in life. Unless proper goals are set, your time and energy go waste without bearing any fruit.
10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal

6. What knowledge do you need to acquire?

7. What peers and/or groups should you associate with?

8. Develop an action plan including one step you can take today. Write this down, prioritizing all the action steps. Take action!

9. See yourself accomplishing the goal. Write a visualization statement in the present tense of that picture. Play the picture over and over in your mind. Read your visualisation statement daily.

10. Decide never to quit until your goal is reached. Be persistent.

Tagged in:
Goal, Goal Setting, Life, Winner, Self-Help

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