Kiss me my love ♥
and know that it's true
my love ♥ is forever
and only for you
it can't be denied
for it dwells in my soul
with you I'm alive
you make me whole.
Kiss me my love ♥
and join me in bliss
my love ♥ is forever
and so is my kiss
your gaze my great joy
to you I belong
our love ♥ is the lyric
you are my song
Kiss me my love ♥
and give me that smile
my love ♥ is forever
a promise that I'll
dream only of you
awaking to find
the dream's before me
the joy of my mind.
Kiss me my love ♥
again and again
my love ♥ is forever
a deep seated yen
awash in your love ♥
with you as my wife
So thankful for you
the best gift of my life
Sexy Love Valentines Love Poems for Him 1:
My Dear Sweetheart,
Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane. There I saw you with cute circular face, conical nose and spherical eyes, standing in your triangular garden.
Before seeing you my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude (likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.
My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me. The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity. I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions but if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity.
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Sexy Love Valentines Love Poems for Him |
You are as essential to me as an element to a set. The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality. My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10.
With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima, of an unknown function.
Mathematical Love Letter 2:
With reference to the syllabus of my feelings, I want to prove that the locus of my point is directly proportional to your heart. On seeing you, I feel like a triangle with only two angles; the third being you! At times it seems to me that I am a circle without a radius or a matrix without determinants. We are like two simultaneous equations without any solutions.
You never seem to notice that I am a point lying on your vector equation, or in other words, we are collinear. Your smile makes my head rotates 360 degrees anticlockwise and on applying a translation followed by a reflection, finally I get your image. You are like a Venn Diagram with two disjoint sets. You are the hypotenuse of my right angled triangle and on using either sine or cosine; we obtain a real solution.
I tried to deal with you on calculator system but the log system proved to be difficult. The probability of succession is extremely low. My linear programming involves you as an inequality. My letters consist of one question to be answered in one minute. The answer is YES to 3 significant letters!!!
Hoping that the ratio I love you to you love me should at any cost be equal and I prove that the cosine of your left heart is equal to the sine of my right heart <3
Your mathematical Lover.
Mathematical Love Letter 3:
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Mathematical Love Letter |
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Mathematical Love Letter |
Mathematical Love Letter 4:
To my Valentine:Our love is like an irrational equation; it can’t be simplified.
You are a factor of my life.
If we distribute our love, we can be together forever. Together, we make a perfect square.
I love you like a coefficient loves its variable.
You are the square to my root, the solution to all of my equations. The slope of my love for you is ever increasing.
We fit together like coordinates on an axis.
You are the solution to my New Year’s resolution. Our love is a slope that increases with all my hope that is so dope.
I less than three you.
For my love, like pi, is never ending.
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Mathematical Love Letter |
Mathematical Love Letter 5:
What is love?Are love can be formulated with trigonometry and integral?
If can, what is his name integrometri love?
Can be solved using Taylor series?
Should the help of Euler and Pascal?
If the result is a complex number that is imaginary?
Or just an irrational real number?
Love is a function of the one who charted my heart to your heart ..
Love it is a set whose members just me and you,
where i is a subset of you and you are a subset of the i ..
I do not want to love us as asymptote or hyperbole ..
Close but I can not touch ..
I want to limit us to close the gap .. The distance our hearts ..
When I am near you, my heart was beating fast as if the graph y = sin 1 / x
Does your heart is the same? I hope so..
I do not want your love like a tree branching in the graph ..
I do not want to love us shackled by Markov chains ..
I admit, my love smallest first vertex point ..
However, my love grow and flourish like a geometric series that diverges ..
I wanted to ask the universe ..
Is there any chance our love will last forever?
How many combinations of love that can be made without you?
Is there a permutation of combinations love me and you?
If I could go back to zero,
I'll tell you,
I love since I know geometry,
because since then I tried to draw the N-dimensional space of the heart,
and will remain unresolved love for Koenigsberg ..
And when one becomes primes, I'll stop loving you ..
Bottom line, I will love you forever ..
Mathematical Love Letter 6:
Dearest Alkali,
The day I saw you, there were sudden Chemical reactions within me involving phenolic and benzoic rings of love. Chemically, it was found that you were the reagent for the reaction. I wanted to convey my feeling that very day but since Aldehyde, Ketone and Ether were with you, I realized that the reaction conditions are unsuitable & you would show Chemical Inertness. So, I had to control the nuclear reactions of my mind using Cadmium rods.If according to first law of Love Dynamics, the following reaction: Heart(Miss Alkali in absolute privacy), Affection can be propagated, then meet me at Ammonium Restaurant, Butyl Road at 5 PM failing which I shall consume a mixture of H2SO4 + HNO3 + CH3COOH + C4H5ClNO3 +(C2H5)4Pb.
Yours Chemically,
Methanoic Acid
Mathematical Love Letter 7:
Quadratic Equation,
Circle Road,
Binomial Junction
Dear Differentiation,
Without you, there is no existence of my functions as they are the basis of our life. Our love is always a Straight Line. There are no limits of our love and it is continuous at every point of life. Our love is so strong that no one can differentiate you and no one can integrate me. Our love is free from Complex Numbers & it is now in a state of Progression and Series. The Probability of getting apart from each other is Nil between us. Our love story is totally based on Intermediate Value Theorem which nobody in this world like FIITJEE, Brilliant, Apex, Bansal or Arihant can explain. OK Darling, Bye.
Yours mathematically,
Mathematical Love Letter 8:
Rotation Block,
Newton's Law,
Non-Inertial Frame
Dear -ve charge,
It was a fine morning that I saw you in Physics Lab and a Torque began acting on me, which made me to rotate about your axis. A force of gravity began attracting me towards you. Everytime, day and night, you are oscillating in my mind. But, your strong Electrostatics brother began repelling me. Since the Units and Dimensions were not correct, I avoided talking face to face. One day, I saw him outside my house and an electric shock was produced in me. So, I went in an Inertial frame and tried to integrate your phone number.But, everytime I failed to apply the Limits. You are the light of my life. By Doppler's effect, I feel that you are very close to my heart. Today morning, a Pseudo force was acting on me which compelled me to write the letter. A wave is travelling from you to me. I request you to meet me at Adiabetic Park. Please don't differentiate me. I am in Tension.
Yours Attractively,
+ve charge
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Mathematical Love Letter |
Mathematical Love Letter 9:
My Dear Love,
The moment your eyes and mine fell in the same straight line, the tangent from your eyes became a perpendicular bisector of my heart.
Fully in line with Newton’s law of gravitational force, the force of attraction you’ve ever since applied on my heart is proportional to the product of your beauty and your intelligence. Surprisingly, the proportionality is not determined by a constant K (as told my Newton), but by a chaotic function f, the nature of which I’m yet to determine. I suspect it’s “you”.
Also unlike gravity, the force (as measured by the stress and strains my heart experiences) is proportional to the square of the distance between us, instead of being inversely proportional to it!
This is a phenomenon which deeply surprises me.
To summarize,
Newton’s Law of gravitation,
mathematical love letterPhoto: Wikipedia
Force experienced by my heart = f X your beauty X your intelligence X r2
r = Distance between you and me
As you’d notice, the proportionality here is not determined by a constant K (as told by Newton) but miraculously, by a chaotic function f, the nature of which I’m yet to determine. I’m calling it “you”.
As a natural result of this force, my heart’s gravitational acceleration should have been –
My heart’s acceleration =( f X your beauty X your intelligence X r2)/mass of my heart
You’d be surprised to know that ever since this force started working on my heart, the mass of my heart has started tending to zero! (The Brownian motions experienced by it leads me to this postulate, as only particles whose mass can be compared to the fluidic medium they’re in – which I assume is gaseous in the case of my heart – can experience it).
As I’m sure you’ve concluded, the acceleration would be tending to infinity!
However, the repelling magnetic field of your silence is applying an opposite force on my heart, thereby creating severe stress.
Believe me, my poor heart is made of brittle material, which is “characterized by the fact that rupture occurs without any noticeable prior change in the rate of elongation”*.
The only solution, as you can clearly see from the above equations, is to switch off your magnetic field by accepting my love, and to reduce the distance between you and me (r) to a fraction, such that my heart can gain some respite from the maddening force and can save itself from a sudden rupture.
Yours truly,
A Mathematical Brain
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Mathematical Love Letter |
Mathematical Love Letter 10:
Dear Love,
When we met, it was simple. Everything added up. The dimensions upon which we conducted our relationship were real, easy to place. I knew what I was getting into. When this started, it was concrete. Integrally built. Whole. I was young, and back then, so were you.
In high school, we flourished. You opened up to me, and I got a peek at your complexity. I was honored to explore the seeming infinity of your limits. I wanted to learn you. And as I did, I started deriving my understanding of everything from you, started spending my lunch hours with you. Back then we were similar, reflections of the same. Complementary.
When I went to college I decided to keep you a major part of my life. But that first semester we learned that it was different. You started to operate on another plane—one that I couldn’t always envision. You only put forward ifs in those days, and I searched in vain for the thens implicit in your puzzles.
I needed space. I chose to give you a more minor role in my life. But even then, I couldn’t give you up. I just needed a new angle. I thought it would be better for both of us.
Would it be right to call it a transformation? Everything changed, but it was still the same. You provided stability for me, but at the same time I left our visits frustrated by the limits of our understanding. For the sake of my sanity, I started spending the bare minimum of time with you. Whenever I went back to you, I always felt trapped by your uncompromising bounds of differentiation between right and wrong; I felt circumscribed by your rules and laws and divisive philosophies.
The past three years have been variable, radical. We’ve been hyperbolically regressing to the past in hopes of getting close enough to some sort of solution that will touch the present. We reciprocated, but always off-beat. We were a prime function of inequality and division. I complained about you constantly; you responded by turning a cold shoulder to my efforts of reconciliation. If anybody was to blame, it was me. But you wouldn’t do that, either.
Now that it’s over, I can’t help thinking that it’s not. I think back on those late nights we would stay up, solving our problems at a painstakingly slow pace. I fell asleep on you often during those 2 a.m. dorm room trysts, and always awoke to more questions than answers. But it was always, eventually, enough for us. My friends, knowing how I hated you, couldn’t understand how I somehow, despite everything else, loved you. Maybe they were right. Maybe I didn’t need you. Maybe it wasn’t worth the hours I spent Googling how to make things between us work. But when they asked me why I chose to live like this, I knew why. Without you, I wouldn’t write any poetry.
We’re done with the formalities now. We can shake hands and part ways, counting our steps as we walk away. This is when I start to see you everywhere again. Thanks for everything, math. Let’s cross paths again sometime.
Yours in love.
Mathematical Love Letter 11:
Dear Lover,
Our heart is a circle,
Because of its eccentricity is always zero.
I miss you is a circulator,
Over and over again, come to their senses.
We are the parabola, you are the focus, I was quasi-line,
How deep you want me, I read how you have really.
The zero vector can have a lot of direction, but only one length,
Like me, you can have many friends, but there is only one you have, it is worth me to guard.
Life can be sweet or it can be hard, but can not do without you, dry flat,
As the denominator, which can be positive, it can be negative, but can not be without meaning, value is zero.
With you, I am the world’s only infinity
Because any real number, they can not express to you my deep love.
I have feelings for you, just as the natural logarithm e for the end of the exponential function,
Derivation, no matter how much wind and rain, still do not change color, the truth forever.
What is ahead of us, whether a random variable, regardless of how much the variance of the future, I believe that after a trough, the wave crests will be far away?
Your life is my domain, your thinking is my corresponding rules,
Your smile pretty sure that I exist necessary and sufficient conditions for this.
If your heart is the x-axis, and that I was a sine function, Wai you turn, some for a release.
If my heart is x-axis, then you are opening up, Δ is negative parabola, always in my heart.
Every day I bring you surprise and hope,
Like an infinite set for every element, although the inexhaustible, yet each is different.
If we have one day live on both sides of the earth, Zhichitianya,
Then I will follow the great circle through the center of the earth come to your side, even if it is climbing.
If one day we face a straight line separating two different,
Then I will cross the barrier of time and space, to draw a vertical line to you, the public rushing for a moment do not want to stay.
But if one day, we are unfortunate enough to be thrown into the axis of God the two ends of positive and negative infinity, life and death-phase fault,
Does not matter, only require a countdown, we can Xinxin dependencies, always accompanied by.
Mathematical Love Letter 12:
Dear unknown variable x,The other night when the two hands of my watch were at right angles and the crescent moon’s parallel rays passed tangentially over your scintillating face, I witnessed something that was one of my firsts. I realized my heart pounded at 50% above normal, almost a ton a minute and my eyes were fixated upon yours, as though they have always been parts of a One-to-One function (and probably oblivious of or most likely intentionally ignorant of the possibility of an existing Many-to-One). In a phrase, I fell in ‘love’ with you, at first sight. I don’t know you, nor your name, but know a thing for sure, that this love is pure, as much as the purest sine wave.
Oh dear lady love, what’s your name? Vectoria? Ah, guess not, that’s pretty outdated. Boolea? That’s discomfited. How about Miss. Ellipse Helicoids, the one and only daughter of Dr.Helix Helicoids, the Principle Diagonal Officer of the Rhombus county? Naah. Forget it, after all, what’s in a name, could a Diophantine equation be solved easily just by changing its name? Or can the Fermat’s Last Equation be disproved just by renaming it?
I’ve lost my sleep, my appetite and been thinking just about you from the day I had that glimpse of your near circular face, plane spotless cheeks, flattened sine eyebrows, glossy lips and not to mention, the ‘right’ angles in your body! I wish to be with you like a parallel line forever, wish to be a part of the Venn diagram of your life, intersecting as much possible with the circle of your interests and passion. I promise you we will live happily forever like e^x, let them differentiate us, and we would still stay the same. Wish to transform my life from a singleton set to a universal set, which it would be with you!
In hope of a positive response,
Mathematical Love Letter 13 :
Got your letter. When the Radium dial of my watch glowed to show the time to be ten, read it, letter by letter. Resolving the name issue at the outset, I’m neither Vectoria (not to mention I don’t have a secret) nor Boolea. This is Dr.Neutrina Benzene, physicist and daughter of Dr.Nessler Benzene, the Chemist and the Nobel laureate. Although I find your mail mathematically interesting, I feel, as my dad says, Math and Physics never go well together, they have this ego problem, more akin to waves and photons who forever have tried to establish their supremacy over light.Having said that, I personally deem that you are not inconvincible, if your letter is any indication, just like the magnetic field strength that can predict the electricity it can generate. I’d love to be the central nucleus of the atom of your life, if you could sway my dad. I have already mailed him your letter , along with a copy of this and waiting for his reply. Meanwhile, I’d wish to meet you personally, to know you better, because irrespective of what we formalize with our theoretical physics, we need experimental physics to corroborate.
Also, let us not be like two parallel lines that never meet. Let the spirit our life be like the speed of light in vacuum, constant and assertive, irrespective of the phase our life would be in.
Mathematical Love Letter 14:
A Mathematician Writes A Love Letter1) We met at the Met Bar. We met because you were killing time, because you were early and your friends were late. I can’t calculate the exact probability of you being early to things because I haven’t tabulated every instance in your life in which you were early or late, but I imagine it is quite low because you were never on time for at least two-thirds of our dates.
2) We met because I came up to you. I never approach strangers unless it is to ask for directions. Before I met you, I would have calculated that the probability that I would come up to you was 0.00 until it actually happened, and therefore I’d calculated wrong. You said to me during the course of our relationship that I could map the human genome but not your heart. I did not really understand this, but I always believed that you generated impulses in me that contravened logic, as evidenced by the fact that I felt no need to correct your erroneous assertion that I could map the human genome.
3) I talked to you because I heard you say on the phone that you were “nostalgic for the future”, and it was the first time I’d ever heard that particular phrase.The odds of you saying those precise words are astronomically low. The odds of you saying something that incited me to approach are higher, although still very low.
4) The drink I saw the bartender pour you was my favorite kind of gin, and so I thought to myself “If I go up to her and say something about how much I like that particular brand of gin, that would be alright. She might not hate that.” The probability that you would be drinking that type of gin is low in general. The Met Bar stocks eight different brands of gin, so the probability of you ordering that particular type of gin is 0.128. (Here is a tangential aside: I have stopped drinking gin, as it reminds me of you. The probability that I will order gin at a bar is now 0, even if gin was the only type of alcohol served at that bar.)
5) There are other reasons why I approached you (such as the curve of your upper lip, the tumble of dark hair on your white shirt-collar, other incoherent reasons) that factor into why I approached you. I cannot calculate the likelihood of these features occurring together in one person with any level of accuracy.
6) I was at the Met Bar because my friend had asked me to choose a bar downtown. Of the hundreds of bars downtown, I immediately thought of six bars. I replied to him, suggesting that we meet at one of the six. The odds that I’d be there that Thursday night, therefore (instead of at the other five), are 0.167.
7) In that first conversation, we both discovered that neither of us believed in destiny but that we both had had a butterfly in a case in our childhood homes. The probability of both growing up with a butterfly on the wall is small. The probability that we would talk about butterfly-collecting in the Met Bar within fifteen minutes of meeting is minuscule. The probability that neither of us believe in destiny is much larger, although I confess that these probabilities make me wonder. My butterfly had a wingspan of 7.5 inches, and had wings of jade and burnt sienna.
8) I’d been waiting by the door because my friend wasn’t there yet. I hadn’t checked my phone yet. If I hadn’t been by the door, I wouldn’t have seen you sitting by the bar. If I had checked my phone, I would have seen that my friend decided to go to a different bar.
9) When you ordered another drink, I was so relieved that I knocked a wet napkin into your lap. When I saw this, I began stammering. You mentioned this later as something that you found appealing. The probability that you would find my gaucheness unappealing cannot be calculated precisely, but anecdotal evidence from my past tells me it is very high.
10) Kolmogorov’s axioms of probability suggest that the probability of a coin landing on either heads or tails is 1, but that the possibility of it landing on neither heads nor tails, is 0. Either I would have met you, or I would never have met you. If I met you, I would have loved you. If I did not meet you, I would not have loved you. I find myself, contrary to all reasonableness, wishing for an outcome in which neither of these events occurred or did not occur. I postulate that the probability that I would be able to heal our relationship is unfeasibly small. In the event that I could heal our relationship, the probability that I would be able to reverse the inexorable progression of time is 0. And yet, I imagine myself defying logic, forever watching, suspended in time, your hair lit by the bar lamps until it appeared to me like a corona. I imagine Probability, against all the rules of probability, as a little demon, one whose life I extinguished long ago so that we could be together in every iteration of the world, every what-if, every universe in which every possible event that occurred was only me loving you.
Valentines Day Poems:
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Valentines Day Special Love Poems |
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