Funny Story: Money Does not Make You Rich

One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip. He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. On the way home, Dad asked his son,"Did you see how poor they are and what did you learn?"

Son said..."We have one dog, they have four. We have a pool, they have rivers. We have lanterns at night, they have stars. We buy food, they grow theirs. We have walls to protect us, they have friends. We have encyclopedias, they have temples."

One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip. He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. On the way home, Dad asked his son,"Did you see how poor they are and what did you learn?"
Funny Story: Money Does not Make You Rich

Then he headed:"Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."

MORAL: “Money does not make you rich.”

Tagged in: Money, Rich, Funny Story, Poor, Life, Wealth, Selected Stories

Top 10 Tips for Connecting with Young People

Top 10 Tips for Connecting with Young People. These tips are very useful for connecting with young people and engaging with them actively. Know them here.

Top 10 Tips for Connecting with Young People:

Top 10 Tips for Connecting with Young People. These tips are very useful for connecting with young people and engaging with them actively. Know them here.
Top 10 Tips for Connecting with Young People
  1. Say hello and smile. Many young people are used to being ignored by adults - surprise them by standing out from the crowd!
  2. Ask them their names. Watch a young person's face light up when you show enough interest to want to know who he or she is.
  3. Be yourself. Young people will respond to you better if they sense you are being genuine.
  4. Ask them about things that are of interest to them. Nothing will help trigger conversation more than your questions about something a young person is interested in.
  5. Simply listening will give you ideas of what to talk about. Once the subject is apparent, make positive comments about their interests or abilities. 
  6. Follow up your initial questions with questions or observations that show you're listening. If a young person talks about being into skateboarding, ask where his or her favourite skate park is.
  7. Never assume that the mind you're talking to is closed. Just because young people dress or act differently from you doesn't mean they're not taking in what you've said.
  8. Don't expect young people to reach out to you. Take the initiative as an adult to reach out to them.
  9. Draw from your own memories. Think back to someone who made a difference in your life and how she or he connected with you.
  10. Keep at it! Not every attempt to connect with young people will have immediate results, but remain earnest and speak from your heart.

Tagged in:
Tips, Young, People, Relationship, Life

10 Habits of Highly Effective Parents

10 Habits of Highly Effective Parents. All these tips and ideas are built on the foundation stone of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The key word there is unconditional, for, when our teenagers make the inevitable mistakes etc., when we can assure them of our unconditional love for them at all times, we will enjoy respectful and caring relationships with them.

10 Habits of Highly Effective Parents:


Teenagers are journeying through adolescence to adulthood and they are likely to make mistakes, annoy us, have their typical moods, be surly, irritable and so much more. We need the patience to hang in there through these times, remembering that the storm will pass and the sun will rise again. Sometimes they will test us. We need to be firm and fair at all times, consistent in our dealings with them.


Put another way, look to ‘catch them doing good’ and affirm them. As long as we are being sincere and genuine, that smile, pat on the back, quick hug or short phrase that let’s them know they have done well and we are proud of them, could be a life-changing moment.

10 Habits of Highly Effective Parents. All these tips and ideas are built on the foundation stone of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. The key word there is unconditional, for, when our teenagers make the inevitable mistakes etc.,
10 Habits of Highly Effective Parents


We have to walk the talk to the best of our ability. Children always look to their parents before anyone else when they are making decisions about life, careers etc. When we actively live out the values and morals we want our teenagers to live by, there is a greater chance of effective parenting occurring.


Teenagers want us to show that we have some understanding of what they are experiencing. We would be liars if we said, “I know exactly what you are going through’, but not if we said, “I think I have some understanding of what they are going through. They need to be reassured by our stories of life as a teenager as well. Most young people will relate to stories.


"Because I said so …” does not tend to wash with a teenager. While it might be time-consuming, teaching, by example, our teenagers how to negotiate, reach a compromise, not always have their own way, learn to think of others etc., we will be allowing them to self-empower themselves with some tremendous life skills. Negotiate all the boundaries and, as they get older, relax these. Negotiate times they are allowed out, duties to do in the home (ease up a little when they have exams, as this shows empathy, computer use, TV watching time etc.


We have to show our teenagers that we trust them at all times. If that trust is ever betrayed, we then sit down with them and negotiate a way forward, not making it impossible for them to earn our trust again.


Journeying with teenagers requires sacrifice of our time and energy, but it’s all worth it in the long run. It’s only a few years out of our lives, but it’s sowing future parenting seeds within our children, so we are creating a fine parenting legacy.


Teenagers want us to listen to them. Listening involves focusing on them when they are speaking, reading what they are not saying, watching their body language, trying to understand their feelings (often not being verbally expressed) and acknowledging them as they speak with a nod of the head, a smile, a hug or some other form of reassurance and understanding.

Teenagers want us to respect them; their thoughts, their ideas, their feelings and their opinions. They are still working out their values, so it's inevitable that there will be a roller-coaster ride under way. They are looking to us as a stable partner for the journey from adolescence to adulthood and it is hugely important that we, therefore, respect ourselves. Each one of us needs to look in the mirror and ask ourselves: "Do I love the person I am looking at?" If the answer is "No," we need to find support to help us become the people who will answer, "Yes!"

Teenagers want adults in their lives who are consistent. They want consistent boundaries and they want to know that these will be enforced, even when they rant and rave because they are not getting their way. One day they will look back and thank us for being firm, fair and a consistent presence in their lives. How can our teenagers hope to reach their potential, if our own behavior is all over the place? 

We can develop these 10 habits to become effective and unconditionally loving PARENTS. There are many more qualities we could add like enthusiasm, loyalty, responsibility etc. etc. etc., but what is important is that we build some key foundation stones so that we can be absolutely sure we know what the shape of love in our home looks and feels like.

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal are the ten simple guidelines to set proper and successful goals in life. Unless proper goals are set, your time and energy go waste without bearing any fruit. Follow these ten rules for setting proper goal in life.

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal:

1. Decide what you want to accomplish. What is your passion or desire?

2. When do you want to accomplish it?

3. Determine that the goal is believable to you.

4. Where are you now?

5. What obstacles do you need to overcome?

10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal are the ten simple guidelines to set proper and successful goals in life. Unless proper goals are set, your time and energy go waste without bearing any fruit.
10 Commandments or Rules for Setting Goal

6. What knowledge do you need to acquire?

7. What peers and/or groups should you associate with?

8. Develop an action plan including one step you can take today. Write this down, prioritizing all the action steps. Take action!

9. See yourself accomplishing the goal. Write a visualization statement in the present tense of that picture. Play the picture over and over in your mind. Read your visualisation statement daily.

10. Decide never to quit until your goal is reached. Be persistent.

Tagged in:
Goal, Goal Setting, Life, Winner, Self-Help

12 Ways for Teachers to Motivate School Children and Students

There is one thing we know about kids, it’s that they have short attention spans and prefer now to later. This is especially true at the beginning of the year. Teachers, more than any district or school wide programs, have the most power to motivate students because they’re on the front lines. They can influence students in a way that kids can actually understand: here, now, today, in this room.

1. Praise Students in Ways Big and Small
Recognize work in class, display good work in the classroom and send positive notes home to parents, hold weekly awards in your classroom, organize academic pep rallies to honor the honor roll, and even sponsor a Teacher Shout out section in the student newspaper to acknowledge student’s hard work. 

2. Expect Excellence
Set high, yet realistic expectations. Make sure to voice those expectations. Set short terms goals and celebrate when they are achieved.

3. Spread Excitement Like a Virus
Show your enthusiasm in the subject and use appropriate, concrete and understandable examples to help students grasp it. For example, I love alliteration. Before I explain the concept to students, we “improv” subjects they’re interested in. After learning about alliteration, they brainstorm alliterative titles for their chosen subjects. 

4. Mix It Up
It’s a classic concept and the basis for differentiated instruction, but it needs to be said: using a variety of teaching methods caters to all types of learners. By doing this in an orderly way, you can also maintain order in your classroom. In a generic example for daily instruction, journal for 10 minutes to open class; introduce the concept for 15 minutes; discuss/group work for 15 minutes; Q&A or guided work time to finish the class. This way, students know what to expect everyday and have less opportunity to act up.

5. Assign Classroom Jobs
With students, create a list of jobs for the week. Using the criteria of your choosing, let students earn the opportunity to pick their classroom jobs for the next week. These jobs can cater to their interests and skills.
Classroom Job Examples
  • Post to the Class blog
  • Update Calendar
  • Moderate review games
  • Pick start of class music
  • Watch class pet
  • Public relations officer (address people who visit class)
  • Standard class jobs like Attendance, Cleaning the boards, putting up chairs, etc.

Teachers, more than any district or school wide programs, have the most power to motivate students because they’re on the front lines. They can influence students in a way that kids can actually understand: here, now, today, in this room.
12 Ways for Teachers to Motivate School Children and Students

6. Hand Over Some Control
If students take ownership of what you do in class, then they have less room to complain (though we all know, it’ll never stop completely). Take an audit of your class, asking what they enjoy doing, what helps them learn, what they’re excited about after class. Multiple choice might be the best way to start if you predict a lot of “nothing” or “watch movies” answers.

After reviewing the answers, integrate their ideas into your lessons or guide a brainstorm session on how these ideas could translate into class. On a systematic level, let students choose from elective classes in a collegiate format. Again, they can tap into their passion and relate to their subject matter if they have a choice. 

7. Open-format Fridays
You can also translate this student empowerment into an incentive program. Students who attended class all week, completed all assignments and obeyed all classroom rules can vote on Friday’s activities (lecture, discussion, watching a video, class jeopardy, acting out a scene from a play or history).

8. Relating Lessons to Students’ Lives
Whether it is budgeting for family Christmas gifts, choosing short stories about your town, tying in the war of 1812 with Iraq, rapping about ions, or using Pop Culture Printable, students will care more if they identify themselves or their everyday lives in what they’re learning. 

9. Track Improvement
In those difficult classes, it can feel like a never-ending uphill battle, so try to remind students that they’ve come a long way. Set achievable, short-term goals, emphasis improvement, keep self-evaluation forms to fill out and compare throughout the year, or revisit mastered concepts that they once struggled with to refresh their confidence.

10. Reward Positive Behavior Outside the Classroom
Tie service opportunities, cultural experiences, extracurricular activities into the curriculum for extra credit or as alternative options on assignments. Have students doing Habitat for Humanity calculate the angle of the freshly cut board, count the nails in each stair and multiply the number of stairs to find the total number of nails; write an essay about their experience volunteering or their how they felt during basketball tryouts; or any other creative option they can come up with.
The idea of cash incentives is a timely yet controversial topic, so I’d like to look at this attempt to “buy achievement” through a different lens. It seems people are willing to dump some money into schools, so let’s come up with better ways to spend it.

11. Plan Dream Field Trips
With your students, brainstorm potential field trips tiered by budget. Cash incentive money can then be earned toward the field trips for good behavior, performance, etc. The can see their success in the classroom as they move up from the decent zoo field trip to the good state capitol day trip to the unbelievable week-long trip to New York City. Even though the reward is delayed, tracking progress will give students that immediate reward.

12. College Fund Accounts
College dreams motivate athletes; why not adapt the academic track to be just as tangible for hard-working student? One way is to keep a tally of both the cash value and the potential school choice each student has earned. As freshman, they see they’ve earned one semester at the local junior college. By second semester of junior year, they’re going to four-years at State for half the price. By graduation, watch out free ride to their dream school.

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Funny In Law Jokes: Son in Law, Mother in Law, Father in Law, Daughter in Law Jokes

Funny In-Law jokes are really nice jokes that make you laugh madly. Read these funny In-law jokes: Son-in-Law, Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law and share with your friends.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Peace and piece:

Mother-in-law is a woman who destroys her son-in-law's peace of mind by giving him a piece of hers.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Come on - Lets see the world through a wife's eyes:

World's most perfect Man - Her Father!
World's most beautiful woman - Her Mother!
World's most Intelligent female - She herself!
World's most sad husband - Her Brother!
World's most Handsome boy - Her Son!
World's most luckiest man - Her sister's husband!
World's most mad woman - Her Mother in Law!
World's most dumb, selfish, liar, miser and useless man - ........ Should we need to tell this??? :(

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Save Mother in law:

A big game hunter went on a safari with his wife and mother-in-law. One evening, his wife awoke to find her mother gone. She woke up her husband and the two of them prepared to go outside and search for her mother. The hunter picked up his gun, and they were ready to go. Not far from the camp, they came upon a frightening sight: the mother-in-law was pinned against thick, impassable bush, while a huge lion growling menacingly just inches from her face. The wife yelled in fear, “What are we going to do?” “Don’t worry about it dear,” said the husband. “The lion can take care of himself”

Funny In-Law jokes are really nice jokes that make you laugh madly. Read these funny In-law jokes: Son-in-Law, Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law and share with your friends.
Funny In-Law Jokes: Son-in-Law, Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Two friends were talking. One says to the other, “My Mother-In-Law, she’s an angel.” His friend replies, “You’re lucky. Mine’s alive.”

Funny In-Law Jokes:

A cannibal was constantly disagreeing with his mother-in-law. One day he had enough and ate her. That night he woke up with a terrible stomach ache. Seems she still disagreed with him.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Joke About Staying At Mother-In-Laws House:

Question to Son in Law: What would you do if you knew the world was going to end in 2 weeks?
Answer by Son in Law: Go visit my mother-in-laws for 2 weeks.
Question to Son in Law: Why your mother-in-laws home?
Answer by Son in Law: They would be the longest 2 weeks in my life!

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Peeping Tom Mother-In-Law Joke:

Last night the local Peeping Tom knocked on my mother-in-laws’ door, and asked her to shut her blinds.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Buried my Mother-In-Law Joke:

One Son in Law meets his friend on the street.  The friend says, “Hi Friend, where are you coming from? ” The Son in Law says, “The cemetery. We just buried my Mother-In-Law.” “I’m sorry, that’s terrible” says the friend. “What happened to your face, you’re all scratched up?” “She put up a hell of a fight.” Son in Law answered.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

Nice Mothers-In-Laws Joke:

Question to Son in Law:  Why do they bury mothers-in-law 18 feet down, when everyone else is buried 6 feet down?
Answer by Son in Law:  Because, deep down, they really are very nice people.

Funny In-Law Jokes:

The True Mother-in-law Joke:

Two ladies ran into the court of King Solomon.
“My daughter is to marry this man, but this lady claims that her daughter is already engaged to get married to him!” one of them yelled.
The king stroked his beard and sat in deep thought.
Finally the King spoke. “The man shall be cut in two and each of your daughters shall have him.”
“Very well!” said the first lady.
“No, don’t, I would rather let the other girl marry him than have him cut in two!” exclaimed the second lady.
The King pronounced. “The first lady is the true mother-in-law.”
“What?” objected the other. “She wanted him cut in two!”
“Indeed.” said the king. “She is a mother-in-law!”

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Wife: I’m warning you, my Mummy is coming back soon..
Husband: But I’m not doing anything..
wife: That’s why I’m warning you, Hurry up.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Bother in law: This is the 5th movie ticket you’ve bought tonight, Why?..
Uncle: Yes, that Idiot at the entrance keeps tearing it.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

TEACHER: What’s your favorite flower?..
Student: Chrysanthemum.. 
TEACHER: Spell it..
Student: I was joking ooh. My favorite flower is Rose: R-O-S-E

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Two Girls were sitting at a club. One was ugly and the other one was beautiful. Brother in law walked straight to the ugly girl.
Brother in law: Hello!
Ugly girl: Hi!!
Brother in law: Wanna dance?
Ugly Girl: Yes (excited)
Brother in law: OK, Go and dance, I want to talk to your friend.

Really Funny Jokes Collection (Must Read Jokes) - Vastreader
Really Funny Jokes Collection (Must Read Jokes) - Vastreader

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Father: My pikin say you drive an commot for school, Wetin he do?
Teacher:- Your son is not brilliant at all, he cant even spell “LION” …
Father: Ah Ah…You know say SMALL pikin……
You make him to spell SMALL ANIMAL like “MOSQUITO”…

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Man: Why are all these people running ? ?
Racer: Its a competition, the winner will be given a phone. .
Man: What a pity. Why are they are all running if they know that only one person will get the phone.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Teacher. . . If You have 5 Naira and U ask ur Dad for another 5 Naira , how much will you have?
Student: 5 Naira
Teacher: You don’t know maths
Student: You dont know my fada.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Senator: Hey, Youngman! I heard that you are the idiot that disvirgined my only Daughter.
Convict: Oga sori, it won’t happen again. .

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Lover (female): Please leave; you cant date me because you are not responsible. .
Lover (male): Hahaha, who told you that dat. in my area, when any girl gets pregnant, she says I’m responsible.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

father-in-law: Young man, you coming to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage and you are chewing gum. That’s a sign of disrespect!
Man: Sir, I only chew gum when I drink or smoke.
father-in-law: You mean u drink & smoke and you are here to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage?
Man: Sir I only drink & smoke when I go to the club.
father-in-law: U club too?
Man: I’m sorry sir, I started clubbing whenI came out of prison.
father-in-law:- U’ve also been in prison before? Oh my God!
Man: Sorry sir, I went to jail when I killed somebody!,
father-in-law:- What!!! U’re a killer
Man: Sir, it happened out of anger. It was a certain man that didn’t allow me marry his daughter so I killed him.
father-in-law: You are highly welcome my son. U are on the right track. U are absolutely the right man for my daughter.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Husband: I called you DARLING and you called me HONEY. Indirectly, you’re calling my mother a BEE. No respect for in-law. Pack your bags. It's over!!!!

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Wife: I’m warning you, my Mummy is coming back soon.
Husband: But I’m not doing anything..
wife: That’s why I’m warning you, Hurry up.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

CASHIER: This is the 5th movie ticket you’ve bought tonight Sir, Why?..
Man: Yes, that Idiot at the entrance keeps tearing it

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

TEACHER: What’s your favorite flower?..
Student: Chrysanthemum.. 
TEACHER: Spell it..
Student: I was joking ooh. My favorite flower is Rose: R-O-S-E

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Two Girls were sitting at a club. One was ugly and the other one was beautiful. Brother in law 

walked straight to the ugly girl.
Brother in law: Hello!
Ugly girl: Hi!!
Brother in law: Wanna dance?
Ugly Girl: Yes (excited)
Brother in law: OK, Go and dance, I want to talk to your friend.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Father: My pikin say you drive an commot for school, Wetin he do?
Teacher:- Your son is not brilliant at all, he cant even spell “LION” …
Father: Ah Ah…You know say SMALL pikin……
You make him to spell SMALL ANIMAL like “MOSQUITO”…

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Man: Why are all these people running ? ?
Racer: Its a competition, the winner will be given a phone. .
Man: What a pity. Why are they are all running if they know that only one person will get the phone.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Teacher. . . If You have 5 Naira and U ask ur Dad for another 5 Naira , how much will you have?
Student: 5 Naira
Teacher: You don’t know maths
Student: You dont know my fada.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Senator: Hey, Youngman! I heard that you are the idiot that disvirgined my only Daughter.
Convict: Oga sori, it won’t happen again. .

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Lover (female): Please leave; you cant date me because you are not responsible. .
Lover (male): Hahaha, who told you that dat. in my area, when any girl gets pregnant, she says I’m responsible.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

father-in-law: Young man, you coming to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage and you are chewing gum. That’s a sign of disrespect!
Man: Sir, I only chew gum when I drink or smoke.
father-in-law: You mean u drink & smoke and you are here to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage?
Man: Sir I only drink & smoke when I go to the club.
father-in-law: U club too?
Man: I’m sorry sir, I started clubbing whenI came out of prison.
father-in-law:- U’ve also been in prison before? Oh my God!
Man: Sorry sir, I went to jail when I killed somebody!,
father-in-law:- What!!! U’re a killer
Man: Sir, it happened out of anger. It was a certain man that didn’t allow me marry his daughter so I killed him.
father-in-law: You are highly welcome my son. U are on the right track. U are absolutely the right man for my daughter.

Really Funny Jokes Collection - Vastreader

Husband: I called you DARLING and you called me HONEY. Indirectly, you’re calling my mother a BEE. No respect for in-law. Pack your bags. It's over!!!!

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