Check the Power of Your Spelling - Rearrange the letters

Open Challenge 4 u.

This 5 things we daily see in our life
Rearrange the spellings for right answers

                1. Ahmpabja
               2. bokeacfo.            
               3. ihbugtlet
               4. Eiolmb
               5. irmror

                      Lets Check Ur Brain.

How to Write Table of any Two Digit Number (10 to 99)?

How to write Table of any two digit number?

For example Table of *87*

First write down *table of 8 than write down table of 7 beside*

  8            7                    87
16         14    (16+1)    174
24         21    (24+2)    261
32         28    (32+2)    348
40         35    (40+3)    435
48         42    (48+4)    522
56         49    (56+4)    609
64         56    (64+5)    696
72         63    (72+6)    783
80         70    (80+7)    870

This way one can make Tables from10 to 99 .

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Funny Whatsapp Messages Selected Messages

😩 42°+ temperature in many places.... some one wrote to Sun...

Dear Sun,

Please go to settings>display>brightness and lower your brightness! Please, its too hot to handle!

🌞 Sun's reply...

I have not changed any settings. Please go to your settings and...

1. Increase number of trees...
2. Reduce carbon emissions levels...
3. Reduce concrete jungles...
4. Increase number of lakes...

Basically, switch to
"Human Mode"
from auto mode...!!!

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